A 2020 Year in Review

Hi! It me 😀

Wow, 2020 has ended. Where did the time go? Like really, first I remember it being January and suddenly a pandemic hits and we are all stuck at home now and BAM, 2020 came to an end.

That aside, 2020 was.. a very different rollercoaster compared to the recent years. I mean duh, we were hit with a freaking pandemic!

While the world was hit hard, personally, my life was hit by its own truck.

So a little back story about myself. I work in PR which in short stands for Public Relations and have been doing it for a couple of years now. In July last year (2019), I joined a new PR agency that launched in Malaysia and by new I mean like new new like.. me joining as the second staff in the company kind of new. Yeah, so you can imagine the ball game that I was in.

At first it was good to be part of a fresh out of the oven kind of agency, I got to go to Singapore to meet our colleagues who ran the office there, got to work on different clients which I was not used to doing (mainly beauty and NGO), and worked on business proposals to bring in new clients.

Fast forward to early Feb 2020, I left that job. Why? I didn’t feel that it was for me just yet. To join something new and grow a company from scratch and think way ahead of time. So, yeah, I left without securing a job in hand and thought I’d take a break and find what I really wanted to do. And then.. little did I know, the pandemic escalated and hit hard.

I couldn’t land a job. I applied and applied and applied but zero results. Companies were either not replying me or my application was on hold due to hiring freezes happening due to the pandemic.

So, I was stuck at home due to the Movement Control Order (MCO), without a job and without an income. While I still lived with my parents, I did not want to burden them with paying for my expenses so I used my savings to survive till I found a job.

March came by then April and then May.. and still no job.

So what was I doing during these few months? I enjoyed the moment while I could. Since I could not find a job, it felt like I was in uni again on a semester break. I slept late, I played loads of video games, I bought groceries for the family and pretty much repeated that whole process.

I also helped my mom in the kitchen and did loads of cooking. From my favourite mutton curry to frying noodles and to even baking a cake! I enjoyed cooking and baking – somewhat therapeutic for me.

When I was not doing any of those, I basically got around to creating instagram filters. That was fun too, creating my own filters and have my friends try it out. It felt great and shameless plug it is still on my profile on insta @nicgabstep 😉

Then June came and MCO was lifted and the country was on its way to recovering from it. Still without a job, it was getting slightly depressing because I could not land a job and not getting any reply was the worst!

Then one day, I got a text from an ex-client of mine who was now in a company which I applied for a role to join her team before MCO hit but stopped halfway due to hiring freeze. She asked me if I was still interested in the job and without any hesitation, I said yes! As I already went through the first interview and submitted the assessment before MCO, I just needed to ace the second and final interview.

I sat for the interview – it was done online because we are now in the mode of social distancing and staying safe. A week after, I got the results.

I got the job!

I was ecstatic! I finally landed a job! I did it and I could not wait! It was scary though, to think about going back into the working world after almost 5 months of being idle. Was I going to be able to pick things up fast? Was I going to be capable of doing the work? Was I going to be able to work well with the team I am in?

Then came July, and the rest is history..

I started my new job and at first I was afraid of what was going to happen. At first, it was tough getting used to the guidelines and work environment but it went smoothly! People were nice and helpful and I can definitely say that after a long time, I am happy. While stress days are there, I am happy that I have a job, I am grateful for the opportunity given and having a job again has kept me going, kept me thinking and kept me growing.

As for my team? I could not have asked for a greater one. When I joined, I was the seventh person in the team and by Oct 2020, we were a team on 10 (7 ladies and 3 gents). Now in Dec 2020, we’re back to seven -> 6 ladies and 1 gent (me).

But numbers aside, my team is great. I can honestly say, we jive really well together. We honestly could be made for each other? Idk… maybe its just the 6 months jitters in me but I truly believe we help each other learn and grow together at work! But working hard comes with us being slightly a bit more crazy outside of work. We bond really well, we go for lunches together, play among us together, tell jokes together and roll eyes together too! We truly are a #DreamTeam.

Whether we were a team of 10 or seven, we worked really well together as one to get things done. The team’s head aka my ex-client aka now my manager at work and friend outside of work manages to keep everyone in the team moving, growing, and learning. I don’t know how you do it boss, but you do it and I am thankful!

And just like that, with the hit of the pandemic to not having a job to having a job that keeps me busy, we are now at the end of the year. Man, how time flies huh?

This was also the year I turn 26. This year has thought me and still is teaching me so much. To let go of the past, to let got of things I can’t control and to keep moving forward. This year I cherished so much, from keeping the bonds strong with the people I love, to making new friends and creating new memories.

What’s in store for 2021? I honestly don’t know. The world is still not free from the pandemic but I know that I need to keep moving forward. Keep learning and growing at work, keep my bonds strong, fight for what I believe in and stand up for myself.

Am I ready for 2021? Maybe a bit more than I was yesterday.

Let’s go! To the new year!

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